I had fever yesterday and I'm feeling quite horrible also today. I realised I hadn't showered for 4 days...I haven't slept well in 3 nights and my nose keeps bleeding. Every year I forget how annoying it is to be sick! I've had time to think though, because I've been too tired to do anything else.
First I want to write about stupid advertisements. Yesterday I saw new Ed-commercial 3 times and how it annoys me! There is a man drinking Ed and the bottle keeps directing him to beautiful women. One girl looks very pretty, but she hasn't shaved her legs so the bottle reminds the man to keep focused and directs him to 3 other girls. Other annoying commercial is advertising Libresse SCENTED menstrual pads. I'm just wondering, why those ads try to brainwash us to think that women are not good if they either 1) have completely natural hair growing in their legs or 2) smell a bit like blood when they have their periods. Why is it so wrong to be natural? I bet that for example scented pads are not good for mucous membranes and they cause itching etc. Healthiness seems to come second when it's about women being non-smelling creatures.
This morning I watched an interesting document about today's agriculture, where land suffers from too big amounts of pesticides and animals are produced like they're not even living beings. Sometimes I really wonder, how people can close their eyes and just accept the conditions the animals live in. Land and animals are not the only ones who suffer from today's course of agriculture. For example in French Caribbean islands Guadeloupe and Martinique a strong pesticide called Chlordecone was used when growing bananas. Now the water and ground has been contaminated and cancer rates especially in Martinique are getting higher.
I wonder, how long all this is going to continue. Today's agriculture is making the ground poor, because the main thing is to get as big crops as possible, not to keep the soil alive. In India, lots of previously fertile land has turned into salty deserts and because pests are growing resistant to the pesticides used today, farmers need to buy more expensive products to get big crops. I don't even want to think about Monsanto and other GM companies, who just want to make money with manipulating genes, "owning" seeds and selling dangerous pesticides.
Why are not you going to a doctor?
ReplyDelete"my nose keeps bleeding" has to be seen by a good doctor!
Feel good!!
Katten försvann, I've been sneezing so much that some veins in my nose have been broken and they bleed if I sneeze too much. This happens to me quite often when I'm sick. So nothing to worry about and I'm feeling better already :) Thank you for your words!