Friday, 30 January 2009


There was lovely sunshine in the morning and it's just beautiful how the light makes shadows on the walls. I could take photos of different shades all day long :)

But that doesn't change the fact that I'm sick. My head wants to explode, cough makes my stomach muscles ache and I'm walking around with handkerchiefs dropping from my pockets. I couldn't go to quiz today and that annoys me too.

I used this day usefully though. Food was the theme today. I boiled white beans and put them to the freezer.

I made spicy vegetable soup and ate blueberries with milk as a dessert. I took the recipe from a nice vegan blog called Chocochili, those food photos make me want to try all the recipes!

The weather outside was chilly when I took the garbage out. It's going to be really cold at night and that's why the moon and Venus were so bright already in the evening. Of course I had to take a photo of them too...

I was thinking of writing about music again, I took photos for it too, but my head hurts and I just want to lay down. More later :)


  1. Pikaista paranemista!

    Laita ihmeessä jatkossakin vinkkejä ruokasivuille! Mulla on täällä aikaa kokkailla! Nyt tajuan miten monipuoliset valikoimat Suomessa on esim. mausteissa. Täällä esimerkiksi tuoreen inkiväärin löytäminen on kiven takana... Ja kookosmaitoa en oo nähnyt. Se niistä itämaisista ruuista!

    Marokkolaiset ruoat rules!

  2. Sorry for writing in Finnish!

    I found something silly. A guy wants people from different countries to visit his experimental blog. Looks like Finland is still missing! Go and help this poor guy!

    Sorry for the harrasment Taina :) Take care!

  3. Saa tänne kirjottaa suomeksikin :) Laittelen ruokaohjejuttujakin tänne aina kun jaksan jotain kokkailla. Nyt on ollu vähän hiljasta, kun en oo edes jaksanu nousta sängystä. Tänäänkin heräsin puoli yhdeltä, nukuin 13 tuntia...

    Ja autoin tyyppiä, jee :) Terkkuja Nelsonille!

  4. I wish to understand a Finish language, but i am afraid, this is the one i can never learn :( it is so difficult

  5. My friend who has been living 6 years in Finland keeps telling to me that Finnish doesn't make any sense :D And I agree with her, because our grammar and words are quite different from all the other languages. For example Swedish, Norwegian and Danish are alike and if you understand one, you somehow understand the others and same with for example German and Dutch.

    At the moment I'm studying Korean and it seems to be too difficult for me...
