I get the urge to go to the centre and buy stuff when I'm out of money. Today I borrowed 5 euros and decided that is my budget for today. I'm very lucky to own a bus card, so I can take the bus any time I want :) So I phoned Merja and we decided to have a cup of tea in a local cafe. Merja had promised before to buy tea and laskiaispulla (sweet bun filled with whipped cream and strawberry jam) for me! And of course everything was as good as I expected :)
5 euros is not a big money but it can make you extremely happy and fulfill your need of buying. First I wanted to refresh my childhood memories and I went to R-Kioski to buy Oukki-Doukki! I used to go and buy them with couple of markkas when I was a child and I really felt the same now, because the price of Oukki-Doukki was only 10 cents and I could use all my spare coins :) After Oukki-Doukki incident I had 4 euros left.
Now in the evening I've just been knitting, eating karjalanpiirakka with egg butter (how can they be so good???), drinking tea and watching tv. One discovery I want to share though -> The easiest replacement for margarine! Any beans, little bit of soy sauce, sunflower seeds and tiny amount of lemon juice. Then just mix with blender and that's it :) I just used a bit too much of soy sauce so my paste is quite salty, but next time it will be better.
And I've been listening to the new song from Rubik. Artturi's singing sounds still so special that it's hard not to love it :)
Mun on aina ollut vaikeaa tajuta ihmisia joilla on hyvin vahan rahaa ja sitten ne silti tuhlaa ne vahaisetkin johonkin ei tarkeaan asiaan
B, kiitos kommentista! Oletko koskaan ollut niin vähävarainen, että raha ei ole riittänyt normaaleihin menoihin? Useimmiten on vaikea tajuta ihmisiä, jotka ovat itselle vieraassa elämäntilanteessa. Eri ihmisille eri asiat ovat tärkeitä ja vaikka sinulle 3 euron farkut ja muutama karkki ovat ehkä turhia, nämä pienet ja halvat asiat olivat minulle tärkeitä, eilisen huippulöytöjä! En ole sitä mieltä, että köyhien tehtävä on ostaa vain järkevästi ruokaa eikä ikinä spontaanisti jotain kivaa. Jokaisella ihmisellä on oikeus tehdä elämästään niin kiva kuin mahdollista :)
ReplyDeleteEn tietysti tarkoita sitä, että kuluttaminen = kiva elämä (ennemminkin päinvastoin!), mutta mielestäni 4 euroa saa käyttää kerran kuukaudessa aivan turhuuksien turhuuksiin! Vaikka siideriin tai pehmoleluun tai jättikarkkipussiin tai lankakerään.
Hm, when you were writing about money, i have come with one idea - Have you ever tried to sell your nice knitted socks ? I mean , they are really nice, and you can make one special blog for sailing them. What do you think ??
ReplyDeletea friend of mine is cooking really nice cakes , i have suggested her same idea, but she is too lazy for starting such a "Business"
what are those candies? do they taste like salmiakki??
ReplyDeleteKatten försvann, I think it would be possible to sell socks as well :) But until now I've only been knitting gifts for my friends and I still have couple of "orders" waiting to be knitted. When all my friends have all the socks and mittens they need, then I could consider! There are often old women selling handmade socks at the marketplace :)
ReplyDeleteMonika, those candies are my favourite ones from childhood! Yes, they're salmiakki, but there are also fruit ones (but they're not called Oukki-Doukki but something else). You can find those from R-Kioski. I didn't know they still even existed (issayo!), but when I was waiting for the bus one evening and I went to R-Kioski to warm up I just suddenly found them. Whee :)
Taina - you have to take pictures and make a catalog. There are lots of possibilities and i hope you can take all of them!! and start a new interesting business.
ReplyDeleteOne more thing , for 9$ in year, you can make your own "COM" site and do whatever you want!
Good luck!
Katten försvann, I have to think about that :) At the moment I'm having a break from knitting, because my right wrist hurts a lot when I try to knit and that makes me sad. But thank you fod your good luck wishes, I need them :)