Sunday, 15 February 2009

Valentine's day party

Yesterday was time for some serious student partying after (too) long time. I've hoped to meet new exchange students and I certainly got what I wanted :) I took 2 reinforcements with me, Merja and Juha. In the photo above they're afraid in the bus because of a crazy busdriver, who 1) shouted in Finnish to one foreign girl who wanted to buy a ticket and didn't speak Finnish and 2) drove so fast that the bus was sliding in all the curves.

Minhye came to the bus stop to take us to the party place and it was so crowded already! One room was full of Spanish people talking only Spanish (that's so common!) and we decided to stick with Shahram, Minhye, Maho and Mitsuyoshi. Shahram told me many interesting things about Iran, because I didn't know almost anything about that country before. Just Persepolis, Teheran, Persian carpets and mosques :)

During the evening we changed flats couple of times, because the meaning of the party was to visit and meet lots of new people. Also policemen were interested in our party and stopped by, but they left soon :( I also talked with Dan from the States, who could pronounce Finnish language perfectly, because he's singing in the university choir. His English sounded so beautiful too, I have some kind of weak spot for people who are native English speakers :D

I also met other great people, Anton (old friend!), Sejin, Roy, Liang, Alberto and all those others, whose names I can't remember. Memory overload! I really hope I can meet everyone again :)

After the party I wanted to go to a bar to dance, but the tickets were 7 euros :O So we skipped that part and came home after sitting a while inside. Now sun is shining, I'm hungry and I'm thinking of warming the sauna today! I love to take photos without the flashlight, because the sunlight makes it's own shades and shadows like in the photo below :)


  1. You sure get an interesting perspective to the world from the floor level! Was it really the police that came? I thought they were talking that "the Polish" came. :P Interesting evening indeed! I think the look on my face tells it all.


  2. liang:terrific article.i like your style. i also met a crazy busdriver who viloently pushed a finish old women out his bus. I don't know why.

  3. I can't stop laughing at that picture of Merja and Juha :D

  4. Merja, it was really the police! It would have been weird if the people had said us to shut up if they were just Polish :D

    Liang, I guess the busdrivers really have some issues here! Last week I was waiting for the bus and it came, but just drove past me and left me on the bus stop. But thank you for the comment, I hope to see you next week :)

    Hanna, same here :D I think that's the best photo I've ever taken :D
