Wednesday, 4 February 2009

감사 합 니 다 혜연!

혜 연, 나는 너를 좋아해 !

That was the Korean part today :) What made me install Korean language pack was a simple reason -> I wanted to say thank you to my Korean friend Hyeyeon, who surprised me totally. I got a big package from her today and it included christmas and birthday presents for me and her other Finnish friends.

This is what I got!

I'm wearing those slippers at the moment and they really warm my feet. I'm just so extremely happy! My Korean studies got a new energy boost :) Today in the Korean class we learned to use numbers and when/what/how much. It wasn't too difficult, only problem was to learn the big numbers in Korean...Il, i, sam, sa!

I also finished one of my knitting projects. I didn't know I'm so unsymmetrical, but although this shrug should be same size on the both sides, it just doesn't want to look symmetrical on me. My shoulders must be on a different level or something! Anyway, I'm more satisfied with this result than the previous "top". Next time I'll choose pink colour and wear the hopefully-i-have-time-to-knit-it-in-the-future shrug with my only fancy dress.

Good night! 잘 자!


  1. 안녕!
    You are studying korean!! wow :)
    It's so nice that you like those things I sent. I bought that small girl with black hair because it might be able to remind me whenever you see that. Doesn't she look like me? hehe

  2. Hyeyeon, I'm trying to learn the basics :) I had already forgotten all the letters, so now I'm trying to learn them so I can read fluently. I thought that girl looked like me :D So we really look the same! ㄱㄱㄱㄱ !
