Today I'm going to the quiz with my exchange student friends. Let's see what happens, because 1) all the questions are in Finnish and 2) my walking dictionary travelled to Jyväskylä in the morning. Anyway, the main thing is to have fun, not to know the answers!
Oh, yesterday I had the greatest experience at the library. There's TV in the reading room and usually no-one uses it. Yesterday one boy came and wanted to watch skiing world championships and we gave him the remote controls and headphones. Suddenly there were many people who wanted to watch the same competition and the boy took those headphones off and just put the TV louder. People took chairs near the TV and listened very closely and celebrated when a Finn won :) And the TV is really in the centre of the reading room, where should usually be very quiet. I loved the feeling of people, who have never met before, coming together and also celebrating and smiling a lot.
And then, something to read about. Recipes, buying guides, blogs, facts. The Green Guide. Or do you want to support local farmers? Buy food and other products from organic food circles! Circles are working all around Finland and using them you make sure the money goes to the right place :) Some links -> Jyväskylä, Joensuu, Tampere. Usually organic food circles are part of university organisations, but they're not meant only for students. I've been ordering food from local organic food circle for 1 ½ years now and I've been very satisfied. Last time I ordered the things shown in the photo below, potatoes, carrots, sour cabbage, flour and honey. The prices are a bit higher than non-organic products in the shops, but you can just taste the difference!
Hidastaminen auttaa näkemään enemmän ja ehkä paremminkin. Olen nyt kahlannut läpi blogiasi, mikä sisältää hienoja asioita ja mietteitä. HYVÄ että joku heiluttaa lippua luomutuotteiden puolesta! Tämän blogin ääreen tulen palaamaan muutenkin kuin tien päällä (nyt Heinolan läheisyydessä).
ReplyDeleteHeipähei ja kiitos kommentista :) Toivottavasti loppumatka sujui hyvin?
ReplyDeleteJa toki luomutuotteita pitää mainostaa, sillä niihin suhtautuminen on vieläkin Suomessa aika lapsenkengissä verrattuna vaikkapa Saksaan. Miksi syödä esimerkiksi vetisiä porkkanoita, jos on mahdollisuus saada oikeasti porkkanalta maistuvia porkkanoita! Ehkä ihmiset vain on unohtaneet, että miltä oikeat porkkanat maistuu...
Aurinkoisia päiviä!