Saturday, 7 February 2009

Nothing special - really

Everything seems so blue at this time of the day. The snow is piling up in front of the terrace and soon I will be surrounded by the blue whiteness. Luckily I can keep warm inside, especially when I wear my new cute slippers :)

Yesterday was interesting (all days are interesting if you have the right attitude!). I returned one magazine to Tuula and got a chance to take a photo of her catmaster Kassu. Kassu is the most relaxed, warmth loving cat I know! He spent one week at my place before christmas and because my bed was warm, he was trying to get under my blanket various times! In the end he slept in my bed, I slept in the guest room :D That's why I'm not so fond of the idea of taking a cat...I love my own bed too much!

After running to the bus and travelling to the centre, I attended the weekly quiz. It was a disaster this time, we were 7th! Just impossible to know the names of the bridges in Paris...Or the name of some Finnish generals who died hundreds of years ago. I'm sad to reveal that the only thing I knew was a music sample = Madonna's Erotica :D But I used to listen to Madonna and Aikakone in the middle school!

Our team is called Oravateam (don't ask why, I don't have an idea!) and the geniuses in the team are Kai and Olli. Rest of us are just trying to know an answer to at least one question...

After the quiz the cashier asked for my papers in the shop, when I was trying to buy 2 ciders. She looked a bit funny when she saw my driver's license.

Then some chips, good company, Deep Impact (the worst movie ever) and talking. What could be better?

Now I keep listening to the Field, I have the whole record (From here we go sublime) on my computer and it's just the perfect music for slow saturday almost-evenings. Maybe I'll warm the sauna today too :)


  1. The cat is really amazing. I am looking forward to see more pictures ! :)

  2. That jewelry thingie is nice:) (Where did you get that?)And cats...

  3. Katten försvann, Kassu is a very cute cat indeed :) I'll take more photos if he comes for a visit, hopefully in summertime!

    Anonyymi, I got that jewelry from Italy. I participated in a yarn swap beofre christmas and my swap partner sent that to me. I'm still so thankful for her, I just love the colour :)
    And cats...yes :D

  4. voi ei, ei kissan tieltä voi väistyä pois sängystä :D! me ainakin mahutaan tiun kanssa ihan hyvin elämään samassa sängyssä, mut toisaalta meillä onkin kaikki se 120cm käytettävissä ;)

  5. Sanpale, pakko oli poistua kun se kiipes aina uudestaan vaan päälle :O Jos se ois nukkunu rauhassa jalkopäässä, niin kaikki ois ollu ihan hyvin, mut se vaan halus kiipeillä!
