Thursday, 15 January 2009


I finished my top which looked awful and now I use it as a neckwarmer...

Minhye and Hyejin came with me to yoga, we'll all hurt a lot tomorrow.

A bit sun. I also saw the rainbow, how amazing is that!

I took the first Korean lesson today, next week I'll have the next one. Annyeong haseyo!

I saw a black cat running over the street and after that I saw it in the bushes. My great ability of taking photos can be truly seen in this photo ;)


  1. i dont know how the top looked like but the neck warmer looks fantastic! did the girls like yoga?? study hard!

  2. Maybe as a top it was awful, but as a "scarf" it looks nice :)

  3. Monika, I might try to wear that top today so you can see how it REALLY looks like :D Girls liked yoga, so maybe they'll come again next week :)

    Katten försvann, it took me a week to make that top and first I was so angry because it failed, but you're correct, I guess I can use it as a scarf anyway :)
