Saturday, 10 January 2009

Whiteness and warmth

Today I went to the shop and it was so white all around me. I hope the snow would last forever, but next week it will be +degrees again.

Today I made quite tasty couscous salad. My relatives often tell me it's really hard to come up with something to make for vegetarian people to eat. This salad is a very good example how vegetarian foods can be the most easiest foods to prepare! I used only couscous, tomatoes, cucumber, onions, fetacheese, cabbage and basilika, mixed all and...that was it! Dessert was delicious and simple too, blue- and raspberries with vegan vanilla sauce :)

Like always, I love to drink green tea after eating. I've felt that green tea somehow helps your digestion, because if you've been eating too much, green tea makes you feel a lot better. In the mornings I drink black tea to wake myself up, daytime I prefer green tea and in the evenings my cup is filled with herb teas. My favourites are for example Clipper teas, Celestial Seasonings -teas and a special healthy favourite is Sonnentor's Pu Erh tea, which tastes and smells like horse shit :D

I got Taika mug as a christmas present this year and I absolutely love it! It's big enough for tea, because I love to drink big amounts at a time. I guess everyone has their special mugs for drinking tea or coffee :)

I also started aerobic season yesterday. I bought old Fitness-magazines from the library on wednesday and I've been reading them, watching TV and knitting yesterday and today. One thing annoys me though -> those magazines constantly offer new "programs" for readers, like "how to get flat stomach in 3 months" or "you can run even faster if you follow this program". Is it so, that people really need to program exercising too? Why not exercise just because you like it? And when you don't feel like it, then just stay at home :)


  1. I love snow :)
    I love when it is cold and snowing and I'm walking around with worm tea in my thermos :)

  2. Brilliant!!!
    Have a nice weekend!!!

  3. Pink Panthere, I also love snow and winter! So I'm feeling quite sad because nowadays there is no "real" winter anymore and it's raining more than snowing. Do you have lots of snow there where you live? And wading in snow with warm tea with you sounds like the best way to spend a sunny, cold day :)

    David Santos, I hope you had a nice weekend too :)
