Sunday, 11 January 2009

Gloominess vs skijumping and finished socks

I went for a walk today and everything I saw was grey, wind was blowing and dropping the snow from the trees and making my face red. The canal was frozen and there were some footprints on the ice, but I decided to stay on the shore. Also my camera refused to work because it was so "cold" (-1 celsius). I got some nice photos, although they all seem so grey. I felt kind of gloomy myself too...

Today's saviour was skijumping on TV. I'm not a big fan of competitive sports, but there are 2 exceptions -> skijumping and athletics. I used to do track & field sports when I was in elementary school and I loved to run 100 metres or do long jump. I didn't practice skijumping understandably (of course I wanted to!), but I went to Puijo skijumping competition every year since I was in kindergarten. I can still remember how cold it was then, how fantastic the jumps were and how the fireworks lighted the dark evening sky after the competition. This year I'm going to go there again, because the atmosphere just can't get through TV screen. Too bad they don't serve soya sausages there, because sausages with mustard are a MUST in Puijo! And Salmiakkikala candies are a must when I watch skijumping :)

I also finished my first socks ever. The yarn (Noro Kureyon sock) was tearing my skin and I had to use hand cream every evening I went to sleep. However the socks were worth all the small cuts I got on my fingers.

Next in line I have one pair of red fingerless mittens (special wish) and then I'll try to make a top for the first time (I've never tried knitting with circular needles before!). I already bought the yarn (Noro Cash Iroha in purple) and it's just waiting for me and my needles. As you may notice, I'm really in love with Noro yarns, just because of the colours! It's really hard to find colourful yarns from here, maybe most of the knitters prefer black, brown, beige or pastel colours. Because pound is so cheap at the moment, I've ordered some yarns from England and I got very good service and quick delivery from Stash Fine Yarns. Big recommendations!


  1. Hih, uutena kuopiolaisena olis tarkoitus mennä ekaa kertaa katsomaan mäkihyppykisoja tänä talvena :)

  2. I like socks!

    hehee, only things I can knit are scarf and a sweater without arms :D :)

  3. those are really nice socks! well done. we went sliding today. it was loads of fun. but indeed during the day it was pretty grey.

  4. Norppa, suosittelen :) Puijon kisoissa on ihan paras tunnelma, varsinkin jos sattuu olemaan tosi kylmä! Ja testaa makkaraa myös ;)

    Pink Panthere, I think it's very skillful if you can make a sweater :) I hated all needleworks when I was younger, but these days they are the best way to spend my sometimes empty days.

    Monika, I saw some photos in Facebook, it looked like you really had a nice time! I wish I'd have been there too. But see you on Wednesday and have a nice photography class tomorrow :)
