Tuesday 16 June 2009

Tired & happy

My beautiful plants! I have one big sunflower growing outside and my new plants inside are kodinonni (happiness of home in English, I don't know the real name :D) and muratti (ivy). They're both so small and beautiful! Also my seeds are becoming plants quite fast, and I thought I was late :) Growing something just gets you back to the basics.

I had 2 visitors last week, Luppa and Tuula. Luppa seems extremely bored and Tuula totally surprised. Both had also other feelings during their stay in Joensuu.

I read two excellent books last week and I want to recommend! Maarit Verronen's Normaalia elämää (normal life) is a collection of short stories (couple of pages each), which make you think about the world and how normal something really is. Maarit Verronen is one of my favourite Finnish writers, her style is minimalistic and you just feel there's something behind the words.

And Ursula...Do I have to say more! Lavinia was once again so special experience that it's hard to put into words. I've studied Latin in high school for 3 years and we talked a lot about cultural history in those classes as well. This was kind of missing part of those classes! We always talked about Greek and Roman heroes (men) and how culture was at that time(basically through the eyes of men). It's easy for me to imagine strong women living there too, but too often they're excluded from the history unless they've been intriguing mothers of imperators or just beautiful.
Anyway, this story filled that gap and I read it on one day...I sat outside in the sun, inside on the sofa, in sauna, in the toilet, in my bed and just read.

Now I have Obama's Dream's from my father waiting to be read during juhannus (midsummer festival), because I don't have any other plans. It's going to be raining and cold anyway, so what's better than staying inside in an empty city and letting your eyes move from row to row...


  1. the plants are very beautiful, especially the sunflower!

  2. Luppa! <3

    Aloitin just Verrosen Karsintavaiheen lukemisen, vaikuttaa mielenkiintoiselta.

    - DJ Kirka

  3. I also like that sunflower, it seems to be the only sun we have here at the moment ;)

    Kata, Karsintavaihe on tosi hyvä myös! Taisin lukea sen heti kun se ilmestyi. Jotenkin se kerrontatyyli on semmonen eleetön, ne tylyt asiat puhuu puolestaan. Saa nähdä, ollaanko tuohon suuntaan menossa oikeasti...
