Thursday, 12 March 2009

Puijo. Cards. Tea.

Puijo Ski Jumping World Cup took place in Puijo on Tuesday. It's my annual tradition to go there and this year was no exception. I love the atmosphere, people shouting and screaming, colourful flags, everything! And my grandparents live right next to the hill, so I always go there and drink tea between rounds ;) Finnish didn't do so well this year and the winner was a big surprise (Takanobu Okabe!). My favourite jumper is Matti Hautamäki, because he looks just like my brother (very rational reason to like some skijumper :D) and he was in same high school and took same classes with me.

After the competition we came to my mother's place, had sauna and played Shanghai (one of my favourite card games!). We also drank tea Liang brought with him :) He was very lucky in the card game - second time ever to play it and already a winner!

This morning I tried a new tea called Matcha. It's green tea powder from Japan and I had never found it from any shop in Finland until now I accidentally bumped in it in Kuopio's market hall. The taste was very strong, but I love strong tasting teas :)

The day was very sunny and I bought some yarn and a calendar from Kuopio before heading in the bus to Joensuu. I spent my time knitting and looking at the white fields. Now I'll just wait for tomorrow morning...First day as a library boss. Scary.


  1. Taina, nice pics especially the first one, I like it best! You really have a terrific talent in taking pics. Thank you for everything. I enjoyed the trip very much. I am going to Lapland tomorrow. Hope to meet you and Yuha soon and play Shanghai again. Hope I am lucky again:)

  2. Taina, I just register my own blog. Liang Wu

  3. Hi! So great so see photos from places I know! It makes me missing home!

    How was the first day at work?

  4. omg! Juha had over 400 points?? What has happened?? i really like the first picture

  5. Very good picture of sky jumping
    I should to go next time even I have exam :D

  6. Liang, thanks for being with us in Kuopio :) How was your trip to Lapland? I hope we can meet next weekend and play then! And I'll start reading your blog if you write in English ;)

    Tuula, first day was exhausting and so was this week, but it will get better :)

    Monika, Juha failed BADLY :D But I'm sure he's going to win next time we play...I also like that first picture a lot, it was kind of accidentally taken :)

    Shahram, you should come with us to Kuopio next year!!
