Wednesday, 4 March 2009


Last Saturday was the farewell party for Yuki. We had invited quite a lot of people and almost everyone came to our place :) The good thing when you invite many people is that people form groups and just talk with each other. There was Shanghai group (photo above), Korean drama group and Fallout 3 group :D The guests came from 10 different countries -> Finland, Poland, USA, Russia, Korea, China, Japan, Nepal, Iran and Vietnam. The person who says that people from different cultures can't get along is totally wrong! We baked Karjalanpiirakka again, I also made laskiaispulla and rye-lingonberry porridge to celebrate the Finnish culture day, which happened to be in the same day.

Thank you Yuki, Minhye, Hyejin, Sejin, Kitak, Anton, Shahram, Daniel, Marko, Teemu, Monika, Barun, Merja, Anh, Liang and Maho for coming! I hope we can have another evening soon :)


  1. Thank u for every thing.
    That was so good.
    All thing was prefect.

  2. Wow, that's nice :)
    I have same situation :)
    We are 6 girls (friends) and all of us from different countries :) This is quiet interesting and fascination :)

  3. hei , mäkin olen sitten nyt avannut tänne oman blogin ..

  4. IT-UCD, you're welcome :) You should come for a visit again!

    Katten försvann, it's so great to have friends from other countries! You learn new things, you can practice language skills, you just experience so much! But the saddest thing is that almost everyone leave back to their home countries after some time...

    Veera, aloinpa lukijaksi :)
