Sunday, 8 March 2009

China in my mind

When I wait for the bus in the bus stop, I always have company -> birds. There's always lots of them flying around, stopping for a while and then flying, landing on some bushes and eating berries and then flying again.

Yesterday was an evening dedicated for China. I invited couple of friends to play Shanghai (one of my favourite card games!) and for my surprise, my chinese friend Liang brought some very special and expensive chinese green tea with him. His parents own teahouse in China and that's why also he knows so much about tea. We even had a true Kung Fu tea ceremony (without all the real "tools") and the taste of the tea was unearthly! The best tea I've ever tried! We drank the tea from small shot glasses, because I didn't have "real" small tea cups. Maybe because of the brilliant taste of tea, I didn't concentrate on playing and I lost all games...

I'm going to be too busy tomorrow, there are so many things I have to do and so many places to visit because I got the job. But before that, I want to wish everyone a good womens day with the photo below -> me between huge boobs! This snow woman can be found from Joensuu :)


  1. omg:D Myöhästyin mutta sulle myös! En vieläkään käsitä miten saat otettua noin hienoja kuvia, kateeksi käy:D

  2. Hm, china is in my mind too, but as a language :)
    I also like Chinese tea, friend of our brings from china very often for us :)

  3. Anonyymi, who are you :D Kuvien ottaminen on vaan kivaa ja todellakaan ei kaikki onnistu, laitan vaan parhaat tänne ;) Mut kiitos kuitenkin!

    Katten försvann, are you studying chinese? I'd like to learn chinese too, but I've heard it's almost impossible...And I envy you because of your friend! "Real" chinese tea is truly an experience :)

  4. I always like the pics in your blog very much! Liang

  5. Thanks Liang! See you in 40 mins ;)
