Monday, 2 March 2009

Koli and bye bye Yuki

Yesterday I went to Koli with my friends, because Yuki had never been there and it was her last day in Joensuu. The views were oh, so amazing! There was plenty of snow and the trees were completely white. We took the ice road there and because we had one Japanese looking girl with us, we could stop in the middle of the lake and act like tourists. Ice roads are very scary in my opinion, but this one was safe and when I saw other cars on the ice too, I knew that we're not going to sink either! So we jumped in joy! (featuring Yuki, Monika, Juha)

The day in Koli was also full of climbing, sliding and to our wonder we found something that we thought doesn't belong to Finnish nature...Pikachu! It was just sitting on a branch and of course we had to take a photo. We also saw more Pikachu's when we climbed up to Ukkokoli and there was also one Pikachu hiding under a tree with it's squirrel friend called Risu.

And today I had to say goodbye to Yuki. Last night we stayed up until 1 o'clock, just made Japanese food, played card games and went to sauna in a dim candlelight. I hope she got nice memories from Finland :) I feel like crying when I write this. Bye bye Yuki! (I'll write about work and Saturday's party later)


  1. voi itku mikä koli, nyyyyyyyh! kauneinta ikinä kaikki talvi <3<3<3

  2. Kolilla oli vielä ihan talvi!! Täältä muualta on jo lumet tippunu puista, mutta siellä tunsi olevansa ihan jossain Lapissa tai winter wonderlandissa ;)

  3. Uh hienoi kuvii! Milläs kameral muuten napsit noita? Kolil pitäiskin käydäkin taas jossain vaihees kattelemas vaikken mikskään nostalgikoksi itseäni tunnistakaan :D

  4. Löysinhän mie sun kommentin täältä kun vähän etin :D Kerroin sulle jo batissa tästä kamerasta, nykyään tämmöset taviskameratkin on aika hyviä. En ollu ikinä aikasemmin käyny Kolilla talvella, joten oli ihan huippua nähdä tykkylumipuut ja maisemat! Onhan se kesälläkin tietty näkemisen arvoinen, mut taidan tykätä siitä talvella enemmän :)
