Friday, 3 June 2011

Korea is taking over this place

Today was another early morning, because of the postman. At 8 o'clock the doorbell rang and suddenly I was holding a huge package. And it looked like this once again in the hallway.

Another package from GMarket, my beloved shop. These days I don't know the prices of clothes in Finland, because I've ordered everything I need from GMarket.

I ripped all the packages open and surrounded myself with Korea (there's nothing better than RIP PACKAGES!).

And now everything is in order as you can see.

Then I started thinking, how many times I have ordered things from GMarket and Korea (tens of times).

And then I started to find Korean things everywhere.

The Etude House Pure Joy -toner (what a cute name!), The Face Shop Goodbye Dust -mist, BAS Bibiya BB cream as well as Innisfree Eco Natural Green Tea BB cream (I'm still trying to find out if I love or hate BB creams). All Korean brands.

White rabbit cotton puffs :D

This is something I got as a freebie with my Bibiya BB cream -order. I'm still kind of wondering, what is this? Home esthetic program? Interesting moments ahead anyway, when I try this "handpack" on...

It's impossible to get (Jardin's) Green Tea Latte -mix from Finland, so I ordered it from GMarket. I loved the taste of green tea lattes in Korea, but the taste of this mix Also my Korean friend Hyunsik agrees with me on this! But I'm going to force them down!

My calendar for this year is also Korean one. There are lots of pictures from Seoul, the subway maps and enough space for writing :) I'm really happy with this.

This is how the fabric of my favourite dress from GMarket/Korea looks like. I'm saving it for my cousin's confirmation party, so can't post the whole dress!

Books about the language and the country. As well as Haruki Murakami's Kafka on the shore in Korean (part 1). One day I'm going to read it :)

In addition to these our walls are full of Korean art, my Korean tea collection is a big one, almost all my socks are from GMarket (cute good quality animal socks, how can I resist?) and I have huge amount of Korean face masks. 감사합니다 G마켓!

I'm waiting for the morning when I just start to speak fluent Korean.


  1. Hi, what did you think of the innisfree and bibiya cream?

  2. Hi :) I've been using Innisfree Eco Natural Green Tea BB for one month now (not every day) and I'm satisfied with it. The tone of the cream is good for the summer as it's not so pale as most of the BB creams and it covers my rosacea quite well. The Innisfree Eco Natural Cover BB is better for winter as the shade is a lot fairer and the coverage is "thicker".

    What comes to Bibiya BB cream, it's a disappointment. I used only one sample, but it made me break out quite badly. I also checked the ingredients list and it said for example "petrolatum" there, although the cream is mentioned to be without any mineral oils... So now I have a full tube of this cream and I don't know what to do with it!

  3. Thanks Tania! Im sure you could sell your bibiya cream as its out of stock on gmarket (just dont tell them about its faults!)

  4. Yes, I guess I should try that ;)
