Sunday, 5 June 2011

حالت چطوره؟

Yesterday I visited Anna and Shahram in the evening. They came back from Iran about one month ago and had their bags full of foods, books, souvenirs... They served excellent foods again, dried green vegetables were used to make a very tasty (vegetarian!) Iranian soup and my favourites were the nuts and dried fruits always served as a snack or dessert :)

Then we got some souvenirs!

Inside this package there were dried pressed fruits for eating as a snack. The taste was awesome! These snacks should be imported from Iran as soon as possible!

My new book (poems by Hafez) :)

It looks so beautiful, although I don't understand a single word! I hope that one day I would master also these Persian alphabets. Thank you Shahram and Anna!

Today has been a very lazy day, I haven't been even able to finish my knittings because of a sad accident:

I sat (!) on my knitting needles (made from bambu) and one of them just broke. That's what you get when you leave your knittings on the sofa.


  1. It's nice that you're writing your blog again!

  2. It feels nice to write again :) Tomorrow I'm going to write about iHerb, I got the first package today!
