Tuesday, 23 February 2010

Stay there 'cause I'll be coming over


Reasons, many. The most important -> Hyeyeon is probably moving to Finland for working here. Now it all depends on the company, but I have a good feeling about that. They can't decide not to hire someone who has special knowledge about LG and Asian markets. I'm just so happy I could explode! Then we can have tea evenings and Sirpa's fatburning on Saturdays and just talk talk talk talk talk :)

My job is also so great. I've had meetings with so nice people and we're planning on making library much more immigrant-friendly. There really is need for that! I'm planning on workshops, art exhibitions, library guidances for immigrants, leaflets about library in different languages etc. What could be better?

I'm studying Korean, I bought Korean keyboard stickers, I ordered Korean language books from Gmarket (finally in English and available international shipping!) and it all just makes more sense now when Hyeyeon is coming. She can correct my horrible pronounciation, especially the letter ㅓ...

My extreme favourite song at the moment. HERE. I've been listening to it for 3 hours now.

I can't take any new photos because I forgot the loader of my camera battery in Korea. So just boring texts and old photos until I get my wire back. More soon!

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