Sunday, 4 October 2009

More to read!

That's how my working room looked like two months ago. Luckily there's a bit more room these days :)

Today I ordered 4 books about Korea from the cheapest internet bookstore. I'm going to get travel guides and Korean phrase book, so that I can try to remember some of the things I've learned before but which are now completely forgotten.

I love books, except when I'm moving, 2 full bookshelves are not the easiest movable objects. For me books are not just books, they are worlds of information and imagination. I don't know why I feel so strongly about them. It's just that if I could and had time, I'd buy new books every week for myself and stayed home and just read read read read. I wonder when I'd get bored, is it even possible?

Now self-made apple pie (looks so ugly I don't want to take a photo about it!). I'm hungry.

PS. Happy birthday Hejin and Huynjae!


  1. voi apua, et ois kertonu tuosta kirjakaupasta! taitaa huveta pennoset sinne :D

  2. Tuo kirjakauppa on vaan paras! Meinasin taas tänään tilata sieltä jotain, mut vastustin :)
