This is my Kuopio. First of all, the marvellous Anttila building, which still exists next to the marketplace. Hopefully one day someone blows it up in the air! Making the scene more beautiful are Hanna and Michael said in a German way.

I spent time with Nea and Moona, they're singing Moomin songs and creating nice outfits. We were also eating ice creams, eating good food and cheering up Katja, who had her 3 wisdom teeth removed at the same time. How is that even possible?!?

These two ice cream eaters wanted to spend time with me on the market place too. Too bad they're leaving Kuopio behind but coming hopefully for a visit often!

Rest of my Kuopio days I spent with this boy called Mika. First time for him to visit eastern Finland (how is THAT possible??) and I hope he didn't get too traumatised because of the mosquitos, my family and the dialect ;)

The views from Puijo tower amaze me every time. I know the city by heart but on a sunny day I love to see the lake and the small islands and where I used to live when I was small and young. "My brother is working in that building, my mom used to work at the university, see that red one over there, that used to be my school..."

I also met this glorious Jesus looking guy.

One evening the boat took us to a small island, where it was too hot to do anything except lie down. And listen to the iskelmäradio and eat soy sausages. I also saw swans.

No photos from juhannus, I forgot to take any :D Just at the cottage, eating, playing, eating, playing etc. At night everyone woke up because of the horrible lightning which struck really close and broke my uncles computer...I also cut my finger with a knife, but that happens to me every summer.
More summer photos soon :)