This summer feels unreal also in other ways. I don't have any holidays and I've been so busy at work that in the evenings I've just watched TV brainlessly and then gone to sleep. I don't like this! I don't have time to meet my friends, they're doing all the nicest things when I'm too tired to do anything. I don't need all this money, I'd rather be poor but have time to do the things I enjoy the most. Now I'm spending my money on colourful clothes and special foods I could easily life without. Why there's no middle way? Less money and less work, I'd be happy with that.
After saying goodbye to Minhye in the early morning I went to the market place cafe to have breakfast and watch people. Pikachu appeared there as well and it wanted to have a little of my tea. Merja blossoms.
Last week I visited Kuopio and Jyväskylä. Sunny days, football, countryside, trains, flowers, lovely people, all those things I can't enjoy this summer. Maybe goodbyes make me feel this way and I realise once again what's important and what's not.
Moona hides her eyes, because then happened something completely different...
...they fell down!
I love Spotify though! All these songs I've already forgotten and now they're playing in my head and speakers. Yesterday Minhye, Teemu, Monika, Merja, Sejin and Shahram were visiting our place and we listened to horrible songs from Spotify, for example "Pikku-Merja" by Jamppa Tuominen, "Pikku-Taina" by Tapani Perttu and " Monika, Monika, Monika" by Reijo Taipale. Why on earth all those songs tell about cheating and evil women who have left the men :D Nice women don't deserve songs named after them?
Next week starts the summer season of aerobic, I'm already waiting! Although it means that I only come home to sleep...But I hope I have one evening this summer, when I feel like these Röyksopp "You don't have a clue" lyrics:
"It's late in the night, dancing is done
The music has died, you're ready to run
But you don't have a clue, this party hasn't ended yet
Not for me and you, now you're just pretending
You're hiding from yourself,
Yes you are, yes you are
Like golden rays of sun in the cloud"